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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Grand Passion

-Pocket Books Fiction
-Grand Passion
-Jayne Ann Krentz

Cleopatra Robbins has imagined the moment when she'll meet the man of her dreams. But when Max Fortune strides into the Robbins' Nest Inn, a devastating sensation sweeps through her. She knows it's him. And he's all wrong !

Head of the giant Curzon Hotel chain, a cynical man whose only passion in life has been for rare works of art, Max is looking for five priceless paintings left to him by his mentor, Jason Curzon. Max takes one long look at Cleo Robbins and feel fierce desire sweep through him... a feeling so powerful that he soon starts helping to fix everything from the plumbing to the fractured lives of the inn's quirky denizens.

Despite their mutual attraction, Max senses that Cleo is hiding something - and by the time he realizes it's not the paintings, it's almost too late to save her from the danger rising out of her past. As suspense and desire intensify, the delightful duo sweep us toward a dramatic ending in a love story beyond compare...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Satu-satunya Cinta

-Alaf 21
-Satu-satunya Cinta
-Hafimi Huzin

Perasaan cinta ini ialah sesuatu yang ingin dielakkan oleh kedua-duanya. Ika Aizura sedar dia seolah-olah mengambil kesempatan. Alfi Hariz tahu keluarganya pasti menentang. Anak tuan rumah dan orang gaji saling menaruh hati. Tetapi, siapa di dunia ini yang mampu memilih dengan siapa dia jatuh cinta?
Kasih yang dipertaruhkan sepenuh jiwa mendapat restu jua setelah Alfi Hariz berkeras dengan pilihannya. Ika Hazura bersetuju menjadi suri hidupnya. Namun, hari pernikahan yang dijangka meriah dengan hujan kesyukuran  menjadi gempar. Bakal pengantin perempuan melarikan diri tiba-tiba.
Sekeping nota ditinggalkan oleh Ika Aizura. Aura pilu menyelubungi diri pengantin lelaki, ditinggalkan oleh cinta  pada hari yang sepatutnya mencatatkan sejarah indah bukannya duka. Alfi Hariz bingung seketika. Mengapa impiannya dikhianati sesudah kebahagiaan mereka telah Ika Aizura janjikan?
Pada saat itu, bapa pengantin lelaki mendesak supaya anaknya bernikah dengan wanita lain demi menutup aib jika majlis dibatalkan. Akhirnya, antara simpati dan cinta, mana yang perlu didahulukan?

Panggil Aku Najiha

-Alaf 21
-Panggil Aku Najiha
-Ana Balqis

Najiha, nama gadis itu tetapi Burhan menganggapnya Ellina. Malah berkali-kali lelaki itu memanggilnya begitu. Lalu, dia cuba mengelak daripada Burhan tetapi kebetulan-kebetulan selalu menemukan mereka. Pensyarahnya, Wan Azmi juga menyangka dia, Ellina walaupun tahu nama sebenarnya Najiha.

Kedua-dua lelaki itu mengaku jatuh kasih kepadanya tetapi Najiha rasakan dia hanyalah pesona bayangan Ellina. Justeru itu, dia memilih Redza yang buta sebagai pasangan hidup walaupun keputusannya amat mengecewakan Zarul yang menantinya sekian waktu.

Namun, selepas tahajud pertama, Redza menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir di pangkuannya. Najiha rebah lagi di kaki takdir. Dia pakai baju Redza, dia tidur beralas pelekat Redza. Air matanya tumpah tiada tersukat. Luluh seleruh hidupnya. Dia rasakan semua itu kerana dosa-dosanya yang lalu.

Siapakah Najiha sebenarnya? Apa kaitan dia dengan gadis bernama Ellina? Dan mengapa Najiha menolak Zarul yang telah banyak berkorban untuknya? Benarkah dia mengasihi suaminya sedangkan dia tidak pernah lupa kasih sayang Wan Azmi? Bagaimana pula dengan Burhan?

Apa pun tragedi yang 'mengalir' dalam hidupnya atau berapa banyak persoalan yang disogokkan kepadanya, dia cuma mahu dikenali dengan nama Najiha dan hidup sebagai Najiha.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kumohon Kasih

-Alaf 21
-Kumohon Kasih
-Haiza Najwa

Azrul Rozaimy atau Roy... Berdepan jua dengan Ayuni setelah lima tahun peristiwa dia telah terlanjur menodai gadis itu. Dia tidak menyangka Ayuni mengalami tekanan jiwa akibat peristiwa itu. Lebih menyedihkan apabila mengetahui bahawa keterlanjurannya menyebabkan Putra lahir ke dunia. Dengan menyamar sebagai Mi dan mengubah penampilan diri dia mengahwini Ayuni.

Ayuni... Sebenarnya dia waras. Kerana dendam terhadap Roy, dia mahu membalas setiap derita yang ditempuhi selama ini. Namun, dendam itu berbaur dengan rasa cinta yang sangat utuh di dalam hati. Hanya Roy yang ditunggu dan ingin ditemui.

Salwarina... Mencintai Roy sejak kecil lagi. Impian jadi nyata apabila keluarga menjodohkan mereka. Mereka berkahwin tanpa kerelaa Roy, sekadar untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim keluarga. Semuanya tersingkap jua. Jiwanya bergelodak amarah. Tidak rela menjadi isteri kedua, tidak mahu ada orang ketiga.

Sudahnya, mereka tersempit dalam perangkap cinta. Roy hanya cintakan Ayuni dan ingin kecapi cinta mereka yang ternoda dulu. Ayuni terus memburu Roy tanpa menyedari bahawa kekasih yang dicari ada di depan mata. Salwarina tetap mahu memiliki Roy walaupun sedar tidak mungkin dapat menakluki cinta lelaki itu.

Jika cinta itu suci, mengapa mesti ada insan yang akan terluka? Dan jika kasih itu abadi, pohonlah agar ia terus bersemi.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When Beauty Tamed The Beast

-When Beauty Tamed The Beast
-Eloisa James

Piers Yelverton, Earl of Marchant, lives in a castle in Wales where, it is rumored, his bad temper flays everyone he crosses. And rumor also has it that a wound has left the earl immune to the charms of any woman.

Linnet is not just any woman.

She is more than merely lovely ; her wit and charm brought a prince to his knees. She estimates the earl will fall madly in love - in just two weeks.

Yet Linnet has no idea of the danger posed to her own heart by a man who may never love her in return.

If she decides to be very wicked indeed... what price will she pay for taming his wild heart?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Andai Kau Jodohku

-Alaf 21
-Andai kau Jodohku
-Liza Zahira

Riana Syuhada Adam, gadis wartawan yang begitu komited dengan kerja dan tidak suka berbicara soal jodoh. Hatinya sekeras kerikil hingga dia tidak mudah jatuh cinta. Namun, jauh di sudut hati, dia masih menyimpan janji setia dengan teman sepermainan sewaktu kecilnya, Minul. Kepada lelaki itu sajalah disandarkan harapan untuk menggapai bahagia.

Hidupnya yang tenang tiba-tiba menjadi kacau bila menjadi mangsa tipu muslihat dan kuasa mistik manusia bejat yang akhirnya menemukan dia dengan Danish Haiqal. Terlepas daripada saat getir dan selamat di sisi pemuda itu membuatkan hati Riana tidak keruan. Danish berjaya meruntun hatinya. Malah, Danish turut menyimpan perasaan terhadapnya.

Pertalian antara Danish dan Syed Aminul membuatkan keadaan semakin kusut ! Danish dan Syed Aminul sebenarnya sepupu ! Malah, Riana sendiri mendapat tahu bahawa Syed Aminul sudah pun berkahwin.

Riana kecewa. Lelaki yang diharapkan untuk menggapai kebahagiaan tidak mungkin akan menjadi miliknya. Haruskah dia mendambakan cintanya pula itu kepada Danish, sedangkan Danish sudah berjanji akan menyatukannya dengan Syed Aminul? Sayangnya... Riana tidak tega bermadu !

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cinta yang Kurasa

-Alaf 21
-Cinta yang Kurasa
-Anis Ayuni

Seingat Laila Nabila, tidak pernah Mir Shariman menoktahkan hubungan cinta mereka, tetapi anehnya lelaki itu tiba-tiba menyepikan diri. Dia cuba merisik punca kemelut yang melanda, namun segalanya kabur. Laila Nabila tahu Mir Shariman masih bernafas di atas muka bumi, tetapi lelaki itu seperti hilang terus dari galeri hidupnya.

Kali pertama bertemu dengan Laila Nabila, hati Raid bagai ditusuk panah arjuna. Dia terlena dalam keindahan cinta yang diimpi. Rasa kasih yang mendasari hati tidak disembunyi. Dia bagai mabuk kepayang mengejar cinta si bidadari.
Namun bagi Laila Nabila, dia tidak mampu membei, walaupun sedikit ruang untuk Raid berteduh di bawah sayap kasihnya. Dia ingin terus setia dalam bercinta. Sekeping hati yang teruntuk buat Mir Shariman, biarlah terus menjadi miliknya hingga takdir memisahkan mereka berdua.

Mir Shariman tidak pinta hidupnya jadi begeni, tetapi ALLAH memilih dirinya untuk diuji. Dia tidak dapat meneka sama ada Laila Nabila ikhlas atau menerimanya atas dasar simpati. Lalu, dia pasrah membiarkan hubungan mereka bergerak mengikut takdir ILAHI.
"Aku mencetus situasi dan reaksi yang menekan perasaanmu agar kau membenci. Hakikatnya Laila.. aku mengoyak hati sendiri."

Monday, October 24, 2011

Cinta Pandang Ke - 2

-Alaf 21
-Cinta Pandang Ke - 2
-Laila Kamilia

"Dahlah gemuk macam gajah, garang pulak macam singa ! Patut tak payah pergi sekolah, duduk saja dalam hutan ! "

Zairul Hasmat memang meluat dengan Ainnur Azleen. Walaupun mereka berdua sekelas, tetapi tidak pernah sebulu. Ada saja sikap Ainnur yang menjengkelkan hatinya.

Di sekolah, Zairul 'prince charming' dan menjadi kegilaan sedangkan Ainnur 'Si Ugly Betty". Beza mereka macam langit dengan bumi ! Disebabkan badan saiz XXL, Ainnur hanya mampu memuja Zairul dalam diam.

Zainul pula memang seronok menyakat. Tidak sudah-sudah dia mengejek Ainnur menyebabkan Ainnur berasa hati, lalu nekad bertukar ke sekolah lain.

Setelah bertahun lamanya masa berlalu...

Zairul - Pertama kali bertentang mata hatinya sudah terpikat. Kecantikan yang dimiliki gadis itu membuatkan jiwa lelakinya tidak keruan. Tetapi, layakkah seorang mat despatch bercinta dengan bos sendiri?

Ainnur - Parut lama kembali berdarah. Lelaki itu telah masuk perangkap cintanya. Ahah ! Inilah masanya untuk membalas dendam lama.

The Fidelity Project

-Little Black Dress
-The Fidelity Project
-Susan Conley

Till death us do apart?

Jacinta Quike and Maxine O'Malley, a.k.a. Jax and Max, need a plan, fast. They've just heard rumours they are about to lose their jobs at advertising agency ACJ in Dublin. Could they make it in the (supposedly) more lucrative world of TV? Their proposal : a documentary on fidelity. Is long - term monogamy a sham, as cynical Max would have it? Jax, the hopeless romantic, is determined to prove her wrong. Putting a variety of couples into the hot seat, they get the cameras rolling. But when they turn on each other's love lives, the trouble really starts...

Friendship, passion, and fidelity - nothing's ever simple when it comes to love.

Mini Shopaholic

-Mini Shopaholic
-Sophie Kinsella

Becky Brandon thinks that having a daughter is a dream come true : a shopping friend for life ! But two - year- old Minnie prove to be a challenge. She creates havoc everywhere she goes, and her favorite word is "Mine !" On top of everything else, suddenly there's a huge nationwide financial crisis.

With people having to cut back, Becky decides to throw a surprise party for Luke to cheer everyone up. But when costs start to spiral out of control, she must decide whether to except help from unexpected source - and thereby run the risk of hurting the person she loves.

Will Becky be able to pull off the celebration of the year? Will Minnie ever learn to behave? And... most important... will Becky's secret wishes ever come true?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bukan Hanya Sesaat

-Alaf 21
-Bukan Hanya Sesaat
-Ainul Hazrah

Perkahwinan Maryam dan Arief bukanlah atas dasar suka sama suka, tetapi atas pilihan ibu bapa masing-masing. Sangka mereka, kedua-dua pasangan ini boleh serasi dan sehidup semati, namun lain pula ceritanya. Hendak menyesal tiada gunanya.

Bergaduh-gaduh dan kemudian berbaik semula. Itulah rutin harian Maryam dan Arief. Apa sahaja yang tidak kena pada Maryam, akan diperlekehkan oleh Arief. Maryam bukan seperti yang disangkakan oleh Arief. Maryam seorang wanita yang penyabar dan sentiasa menjaga tattertib sebagai Muslimah. Arief pula kuat cemburu... Cemburu buta yang tidak bertempat !

Namun, maruah Maryam benar-benar diinjak apabila Arief sewenang-wenangnya melafazkan cerai setelah terperangkap dalam muslihat sepupunya sendiri, Melissa. Sudah terhantuk, baru terngadah. Arief menyesal dan hilang arah. Rupa-rupanya bukan hanya sesaat dia mencintai dan merindui Maryam !

Mahu merujuk kembali, Maryam pula sudah serik. Malah, lamaran Ustaz Zaid mengganggu fikirannya. Perlukah dia menerima sedangkan Arief tidak henti-henti memujuk? Namun, dalam saat begini, cinta dan kasih sayangnya terhadap Arief masih menebal dalam sanubari.

Someone to Watch Over Me

-Someone to Watch Over Me
-Lisa Kleypas

A forgotten life...

A young woman awakens in a stranger's bed, her memory gone, after being pulled from the icy waters of the Thames. Her rescuer and protector - the dashing and enigmatic Grant Morgan - insists she is Vivien Rose Duvall, one of London's most scandalous beauties. He is the only man she dares to trust - but her heart tells her he has mistaken her for someone else.

Grant has known every kind of woman, and the one he now holds in his arms seems far too innocent and vulnerable to be the notorious he believes her to be. Intoxicated by her sensuality, Grant will not rest until he unravels the secrets of her mysterious lost past - for only then can they share the ecstasy of a pure and passionate love.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Confession

-The Confession
-John Grisham


In 1998, in the small East Texas city of Sloan, Travis Boyette abducted, raped, and strangled a popular high school cheerleader. He buried her body so that it would never be found, then watch in amazement as police and prosecutors arrested and convicted Donte Drumm, a local football star, and marched him off to death row.
Now nine years have passed. Travis has just been paroled in Kansas for a different crime; Donte is four days away from his execution. Travis suffers from an inoperable brain tumor. For the first time in his miserable life, he decides to do what's right and confess. But how can a guilty man convince lawyers, judges, and politicians that they're about to execute an innocent man?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Summons

-The Summons
-John Grisham

Once Judge Atlee was a powerful figure in Clanton, Mississippi - a pillar of the community who towered over local law and politics for forty years. Now the judge is a shadow of his former self, a sick, lonely old man who has withdrawn to his sprawling ancestral home. Knowing the end is near, Judge Atlee has issued a summons for his two sons to return to Clanton to discuss his estate. Ray Atlee is the eldest, a Virginia law professor, newly single and still enduring the aftershocks of a surprise divorce. Forrest is Ray's younger brother, who redefines the notion of a family's black sheep.

The summons is typed by the judge himself, on his handsome old stationery, and gives the date and time for Ray and Forrest to appear in his study. Ray reluctantly heads south to his hometown, to the place where he grew up and now prefers to avoid. But the family meeting does not take place. The judge dies too soon, and in doing so leaves behind a shocking secret known only to Ray.

And perhaps someone else.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Girl from Mars

-Little Black Dress
-Girl from Mars
-Julie Cohen

I, Philomena Desdemona Brown, , do solemnly swear to forsake all romantic relationships...
It's not like the vow made by Fil and her three nerdy male best friends so they'd always stick together, was a big deal at the time. Frankly, Fil wouldn't know romance if it hit her in the face anyway. Her one true love is her job as the artist for the famous comic Girl from Mars. Just like the comic's heroine, Fil's never had or needed a love interest - just her best friends. Until one of them breaks the vow and falls in love, bringing her smack back down to earth. Could it be that romance is in the stars for Fil after all?

An out - of - this - world romance from a stellar storyteller

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Serasi Sehati

-Alaf 21
-Serasi Sehati
-Nuriz Aida

Demi menjaga insan yang melahir dan membesrkannya, Balqis cuba menunaikan impian mereka. Hubungan keluarga yang berantakan harus dipulihkan kembali walaupun jalannya berliku. Datuk, emak saudara dan adik kandung sendiri mengencamnnya. Namun disisinya sentiasa ada Aiman, insan yang sempurna dalam sebuah persahabatan. Dia ‘teguh’ kerana lelaki itu.

Walaupun sedar Aiman tercipta untuk Tengku Alisya, persahabatan mereka tidak pernah tercalar. Ini kerana cinta Balqis berbunga untuk Hafizul. Dalam perkenalan yang singkat, dia dan Hafizul merancang untuk mendirikan mahligai cinta.

Tetapi ada sesuatu terdetik di hati Tengku Alisya dan Hafizul. Balqis serasi bersama Aiman. Dan Aiman sehati dengan Balqis. Dalam menjaga hati insan yang disayangi, mereka semua terpaksa menipu diri sendiri. Sakit... itu sudah pasti.

"Hati pasti rasa sakit bila berbohong. Lebih-lebih lagi apa yang kita bohong itu bukan satu pembohongan." 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Uda & Dara

-Alaf 21
-Uda & Dara
-Aisya Sofea

Sudah sekian lama terpisah kerana mengejar cita-cita, tidak mungkin Siti Mariam menerima cinta Izzat Hilman. Kenangan lalu yang sangat menghiris hatinya sentiasa bergentayangan di hadapan mata. Namun si Uda tidak putus asa. Si Dara harus dimiliki walau apa pun yang terjadi.

Ya, mungkin ada rasa rindu di sebalik rasa bencinya terhadap lelaki itu. Namun, dalam diam, Siti Mariam masih tidak mampu membuang perasaan pada Izzat Hilman. Ah, bila memikirkan wasiat arwah ibu lelaki itu, dia jadi nanar. Apatah lagi, kemunculan Khalidah bagai dirancang untuk memisahkan mereka.

Hubungan boleh diteruskan, tetapi Siti Mariam meletakkan syarat. Mereka boleh bersama tetapi bersedia untuk berpisah. Tempoh yang diberi hanya tujuh bulan. Muktamad !

Berat sungguh syarat itu ! Namun, si Uda tidak peduli. Si Dara perlu akur cinta sejati mereka. Bagi Izzat Hilman, jodohnya bersama Siti Mariam sangat kuat.

"Abang cuma minta Mar bagi peluang sekali ini sahaja lagi dan abang takkan sia-siakan Mar."

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Lamanya tak update blog ni kan?? Ok, Saya nak update harini.. Buku ni beli masa kat KLCC... POPULAR BOOKFAIR.. (2nd September 2011, Thursday)

Tajuk buku ni Linger and author ialah Maggie Stievater

Kalau korang tengok cover page buku ni... Sure korang tahu cerita ni pasal apa... Well, of course love story..  Between a werewolf named Sam and a girl named Grace... They fall in love... For those who love Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn... They will definitely love this story... Because this book is just the same... The different is only the werewolf and vampire... Which mean, this book is about werewolf... So, you need to try reading this book...

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Terus-terang saya cakapkan.. Buku ini sangat best... Korang kena try baca.... Jom ramai-ramai baca buku ni... :D

-Lindsey Kelk

Angela Clark can't believe her luck...she's living in New York with a dream job and a sexy boyfriend.

Sent to Hollywood to interview hot actor and fellow Brit James Jacobs, she's in at the deep end amid the thin and beautiful of Rodeo Drive. The only person who seems genuine is James, despite his ladykiller reputation. But then the paparazzi catch them together at Chateau Marmont, and Angela finds herself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons...

Can she convince her boss, her best friend and - most importantly - her boyfriend not to believe all they read in the papers? And will  Hollywood ever win Angela's heart?

written by :

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fruit and Nutcase-Jean Ure

Hey guys,today I want to tell about a new book that I bought yesterday.Well,it's title is Fruit and Nutcase.The writer is Jean Ure.It is an English book.So,to all of you(especially children) who LOVES English novels,and I mean really really love it,this is the right book for you.By the way,this is the picture of the book.

This is the synopsis:
                              "Hi,this is Mandy Small telling her life story."
                     I may have trouble writing,but I have no trouble at all talking!My teacher,Cat,suggested I record my life on tape so here goes...
                      I live with my dad,who looks like Elvis,and my mum,whose idea of a special meal is burnt toast.Sometimes I feel like I'm grown-up and they're the kids.
                      But now everything's crashing about my ears,and Dad's too,as he's hust put his foot through the floorboards.I'm trying really hard not to become a total fruit and nutcase...

I've finished this book and what I want to say is this book is simply AWESOME(because I am still not in secondary school.hahaha)AND to all of you who are a HUGE fan of Jean Ure,I reckon you better hurry and rent this book before it fell to somebody's hands.So,act fast!Come and get it before it's too late!Remember the shop's closed early on Saturdays and it is closed on Sundays.Have a good night :)

written by : Jah ;)

Book Sale

Sekarang musim Book Sale.. So, memang banyak buku baru yang di beli... Nanti ada masa saya update buku-buku baru, ok....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Story of Tracey Beaker and The Bed and Breakfast Star

Wahhh!!! Lamayan saya tak update blog ni.. Huhu.. Sorry-sorry... Hari ni, biar saya update ok?? Jangan marah-marah tau...

-The Story of Tracey Beaker and The Bed and Breakfast Star (Satu buku ada dua cerita)
-Jacquline Wilson

The Story of Tracy Beaker

I'm Tracy Beaker. This is a book all about me. I'd if I were you. It's the most incredible dynamic heart-rending story, Honest...

The Bed and Breakfast Star

I'm Elsa, and I'm hoping to be a big star one day. I tell jokes all the time to try and cheer my family up. Trouble is, no-one seems to laugh much anymore. Not since we lost our lovely house and had to move into a bed and breakfast hotel...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Scent of Jasmine

-The Scent of Jasmine
-Jude Deveraux

Charleston, 1799 : A daughter of Southern gentility and a gifted painter, Catherine Edilean Harcourt has no lack of suitors at home in Virginia, waiting to fulfill her dream of marriage and family. But Cay's adventurous spirit, fostered by growing up with her three brothers, is piqued while visiting her godfather in South Carolina. Bedridden with a broken leg, he asks Cay to fill in for him on an urgent task : on her way to a fancy dress ball, she must deliver a packed horse to an old friend's son - who also happens to be an escaped convict charge with murdering his wife! Cay agrees to the plan, which doesn't go at all as planned... whereupon she finds herself fleeing Alexander McDowell's captors, riding blind into the night with the fugitive Scotsman. Though she should fear him, Cay finds herself overwhelmingly attracted to Alex, and drawn into his tale of misguided justice and his innocence as they seek refuge in the steamy Florida everglades. Will trusting him be the worst mistake of her life? Or will falling in love be the salvation both of them have been looking for?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


-Janice Graham

Ethan Brown is a lawyer, as comfortable in the company of cowboys as he is amongst his books. Engaged to the daughter of the country's wealthiest landowner, his dreams of cattle-ranching are about to become a reality. When Paris-based concert violinist Annete Zeldin  returns home to settle the estate of her late mother, she feel every inch the outsider. Ethan expects his involvement with Annette to stop at legal formalities, but before long they must acknowledge a passion growing between them. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jika Benar Cinta

-Alaf 21
-Jika Benar Cinta
-Lynn Dayana

DIA sukar menyatakan rasa cinta. Seolah-olah ucapan keramat itu bila diucapkan, bakal menjerut lehernya sendiri. Pengalaman lalu yang pahitnya masih lagi terasa juga menjadi punca mengapa dia tidak mahu berlindung di bawah payung hati lelaki. Teduhnya mungkin sementara saja. Kalau boleh dia mahu terus hidup sendiri.

Namun, sejak terpandang senyuman manis Airy, hatinya bermukim di laman rindu. Ada debar membara di dada. Dia sendiri tidak tahu kuasa mana yang sudah menyampuk dirinya. Siang terpandang-pandang dan malam terbayang. Asyik terkenang-kenang.

Gila. Memang benar, cinta boleh membuatkan manusia jadi gila. Jatuh cinta juga umpama jiwa yang dimahkotakan. Semuanya indah berlaka.

Tetapi... sanggupkah dia menjadikan kebahagiaan hatinya satu taruhan lagi? Dia sendiri tidak pasti. Mampukah dia bertahan sekali lagi jika hatinya dilukai? Dia tidak tahu. Menyemai kasih tanpa benih di ladang dan tidak bertanah umpama mencari air yang tidak bergaram di tengah lautan.

Bukan sesuatu yang mustahil, namun 'jika benar cinta' segalanya memerlukan pengorbanan. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Inheritance

-The Inheritance
-Joan Johnston


The ravishing Duchess Daisies vowed to save Severn Manor by marrying Nicholas Calloway, a Texas bounty hunter come to claim his family's ancestral lands. But the moment they met, the slate-eyed barbarian took Daisy's breath away. She proposed a marriage of convinience. But she hadn't reckoned on flash-fire passion with the savage new duke....

Nicholas Calloway came to England to discover the truth about his bastard birth, then sell his inherited estate - with Duchess Daisy's help. Her price was marriage. He agreed, determined to have her on his own terms - only to find himself hostage to the fiery redhead he couldn't leave behind.... 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pick Me Up

-little black dress

-Pick Me Up
-Zoe Rice

There's an art to falling in love

Gallery director Izzy Duncan has lost her faith in men. But then she meets two gorgeous guys in one week; dangerously delicious art dealer Avery, and infuriatingly moody and mysterious artist Grady. Suddenly she finds herself willing to take a risk - but which one of them should she trust?

When it comes to matters of the heart let this gorgeously romantic novel set in the glittering New York art world put you in the picture!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Novel Ruang Rindu

Assalamualaikum.. Saya akan sentiasa mengupdate novel-novel yang terdapat di kedai GNZ BOOK RENTALS..

-Alaf 21
-Ruang Rindu
-Rozita Abu Wahab

Rasa cinta tidak boleh dipaksa-paksa wujud di dalam hati. Begitulah yang dialami oleh Camelia, seorang gadis tomboi apabila dia ditunangkan oleh emaknya dengan Halil, yang tidak dikenalinya. Demi maruah keluarga, dia terpaksa meneruskan pertunangan itu.

Suatu hari, Camelia telah dihantar berkursus di Johor Bahru. Tanpa diduga dia bertemu Halil bersama perempuan lain yang mengaku sebagai tunangnya. Pertemuan itu menggembirakan hati Camelia kerana dia telah mempunyai alasan yang kukuh untuk memutuskan pertunangan mereka. 

Halil berasa kesal apabila pertunangan mereka diputuskan. Dia nekad untuk membuang perangai playboynya dan memikat hati Camelia semula kerana gadis itu sudah terpahat di ruang hatinya. Namun, kemunculan Tuan Amir yang diperkenalkan oleh Camelia sebagai teman lelakinya menghancurkan hati Halil. 

Berjayakah Halil membuka pintu hati Camelia untuknya atau dia terpaksa berputih mata melihat Camelia bersanding dengan Tuan Amir? 

Ikhlas daripada

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jadikan Membaca Gaya Wawasan!


Awal suruhan ialah membaca

Menuntut ilmu disuruh budaya

Inilah teladan sepanjang masa

Gayakan hidup dengan membaca

Apalah nama andai tanpa ilmu

Apalah mahkota permatanya palsu

Tanpa membaca cacatlah minda

Tanpa ilmu ke manalah kita

Jika ilmu penuh di dada

Bila bergaya dengan membaca

Dunia sempit menjadi luas

Tempah kejayaan tiada terbatas

Negara yang kecil tinggi martabat

Kerana ilmu, negara berdaulat

Mari kawan kita membaca

Mari rakan, timba ilmu dengan membaca

Inilah perjuangan, sambutlah seruan

Jadikan Membaca Gaya Wawasan


Take a book and read

To gain knowledge, everyone has to read

Let’s reach out, open up your mind

Let’s make reading, a lifestyle of Wawasan


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Perkhidmatan Kami

Assalamualaikum... Rasanya, dah lama tak update kan?? Cerita hari ini pasal perkhidmatan yang terdapat di GNZ BOOK RENTALS...

1. Banyak buku yang boleh di sewa... Novel Melayu, Novel English, Komik, Majalah, dan macam-macam lagi.

2. Bagi yang tidak ada komputer or internet kat rumah, you all boleh datang sini untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan komputer.

3. Binding. Binding ni macam korang nak buat folio... Nak buat lubang kat tepi kertas tu... Student sekolah yang memang kena buat banyak folio bolehlah datang.. Yang bukan student sekolah pun boleh datang gak.. Hehe..

4. Nak beli sutera Indonesia pun boleh beli kat GNZ BOOK RENTALS.

Terima kasih.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Your Best Componian

Your best companion is a book
An activity that brings about joy is for you to read a book and develop your mind through the acquisition of knowledge.Al-Jaahiz, an Arab writer from centuries ago, advised one to repel anxiety through the reading of books:"The book is a companion that does not praise you and does not entice you to evil.It is a friend that does not bore you, and it is a neighbor that causes you no harm. It is an acquaintance that desires not to extract from you favors through flattery, and it does not deceive you with duplicity and lies. When you are poring through the pages of a book, your senses are stimulated and your intellect sharpens...

Through reading the biographies of others, you gain an appreciation of common people while learning the ways of kings. It can even be said that you sometimes learn from the pages of a book in a month, that which you do not learn from the tongues of men in a century. All this benefit, yet no loss in wealth and no need to stand at the door of the teacher who is waiting for his fees or to learn from someone who is lower than you in manners. The book obeys you by night as it does by day, both when you are traveling and when you are at home. A book is not impaired by sleep nor does it tire in the late hours of the night. It is the teacher who is there for you whenever you are in need of it, and it is the teacher who, if you refuse to give to it, does not refuse to give to you.

If you abandon it, it does not decrease in obedience. And when all turn against you, showing you enmity, it remains by your side. As long as you are remotely attached to a book, it suffices you from having to keep company with those that are idle. It prevents you from sitting on your doorstep and watching those who pass by. It saves you from mixing with those that are frivolous in their character, foul in their speech, and woeful in their ignorance. If the only benefit of a book was that it keeps you from foolish daydreaming and prevents you from frivolity, it would certainly be considered a true friend who has given you a great favor."

Sayings that deal with the virtues of books
Abu `Ubaydah said:
"Al-Muhallab gave his son the following advice: `O' son, do not linger in the marketplace unless you are visiting the maker of armor or the book vendor.'
Al-Hasan al-Lulu'ee said:
"Forty years have passed, and I have not dozed off in the day or in the night...except that a book was resting on my chest." Ibn al-Jahm said:
"If I feel drowsy when it is time to sleep - and wasteful is the sleep that exceeds one's needs - I take up a book from the books of wisdom and I find bliss in coming across a pearl (of wisdom).... I am more alert when I am happily engaged in reading and learning than I am when I hear the braying of the donkey or the shrill noise of something breaking."

He also said:
"If I find a book to be agreeable and enjoyable and if I deem it to be beneficial_ you will see me hour after hour checking how many pages are left, from fear of being close to the end. And if it is many volumes with a great number of pages, my life and my happiness are complete."

And the best, highest, and worthiest of books is:
[This is the] Book [the Qur'an] sent clown unto you [O' Muhammad], so let not your breast be narrow there from, that you warn thereby, and a reminder unto the believers. (Qur'an 7: 2)

The benefits of reading

1. Reading repels anxiety and grief.
2. While busy reading, one is prevented from delving into falsehood.
3. Habitual reading makes one too busy to keep company with the idle and the inactive.
4. By reading often, one develops eloquence and clarity in speech.
5. Reading helps to develop the mind and purify its thoughts.
6. Reading increases one in knowledge and improves both memory and understanding.
7. By reading, one benefits from the experiences of others: the wisdom of the wise and the understanding of scholars.
8. By reading often, one develops the ability to both acquire and process knowledge and to learn about the different fields of knowledge and their applications to life.
9. One's faith will increase when one reads beneficial books, especially books written by practicing Muslim writers. The book is the best giver of sermons and it has a forceful effect in guiding one towards goodness and away from evil.
10. Reading helps to relax one's mind from distraction and to save one's time from being wasted.
11. By reading often, one gain a mastery over many words and learns the different constructions of sentences; moreover, one improves his ability to grasp concepts and to understand what is written `between the lines.'

"Nourishment of the soul is in concepts and meanings, And not in food and drink.”

source :Don't Be Sad - By Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni (A Few Excerpts from the Book about Happiness)

Through reading the biographies of others, you gain an appreciation of common people while learning the ways of kings. It can even be said that you sometimes learn from the pages of a book in a month, that which you do not learn from the tongues of men in a century. All this benefit, yet no loss in wealth and no need to stand at the door of the teacher who is waiting for his fees or to learn from someone who is lower than you in manners. The book obeys you by night as it does by day, both when you are traveling and when you are at home. A book is not impaired by sleep nor does it tire in the late hours of the night. It is the teacher who is there for you whenever you are in need of it, and it is the teacher who, if you refuse to give to it, does not refuse to give to you.
If you abandon it, it does not decrease in obedience. And when all turn against you, showing you enmity, it remains by your side. As long as you are remotely attached to a book, it suffices you from having to keep company with those that are idle. It prevents you from sitting on your doorstep and watching those who pass by. It saves you from mixing with those that are frivolous in their character, foul in their speech, and woeful in their ignorance. If the only benefit of a book was that it keeps you from foolish daydreaming and prevents you from frivolity, it would certainly be considered a true friend who has given you a great favor."

Sayings that deal with the virtues of booksAbu `Ubaydah said:"Al-Muhallab gave his son the following advice: `O' son, do not linger in the marketplace unless you are visiting the maker of armor or the book vendor.'Al-Hasan al-Lulu'ee said:"Forty years have passed, and I have not dozed off in the day or in the night...except that a book was resting on my chest." Ibn al-Jahm said:"If I feel drowsy when it is time to sleep - and wasteful is the sleep that exceeds one's needs - I take up a book from the books of wisdom and I find bliss in coming across a pearl (of wisdom).... I am more alert when I am happily engaged in reading and learning than I am when I hear the braying of the donkey or the shrill noise of something breaking."
He also said:"If I find a book to be agreeable and enjoyable and if I deem it to be beneficial_ you will see me hour after hour checking how many pages are left, from fear of being close to the end. And if it is many volumes with a great number of pages, my life and my happiness are complete."
And the best, highest, and worthiest of books is:[This is the] Book [the Qur'an] sent clown unto you [O' Muhammad], so let not your breast be narrow there from, that you warn thereby, and a reminder unto the believers. (Qur'an 7: 2)
The benefits of reading
1. Reading repels anxiety and grief.2. While busy reading, one is prevented from delving into falsehood.3. Habitual reading makes one too busy to keep company with the idle and the inactive.4. By reading often, one develops eloquence and clarity in speech.5. Reading helps to develop the mind and purify its thoughts.6. Reading increases one in knowledge and improves both memory and understanding.7. By reading, one benefits from the experiences of others: the wisdom of the wise and the understanding of scholars.8. By reading often, one develops the ability to both acquire and process knowledge and to learn about the different fields of knowledge and their applications to life.9. One's faith will increase when one reads beneficial books, especially books written by practicing Muslim writers. The book is the best giver of sermons and it has a forceful effect in guiding one towards goodness and away from evil.10. Reading helps to relax one's mind from distraction and to save one's time from being wasted.11. By reading often, one gain a mastery over many words and learns the different constructions of sentences; moreover, one improves his ability to grasp concepts and to understand what is written `between the lines.'
"Nourishment of the soul is in concepts and meanings, And not in food and drink.”

source :Don't Be Sad - By Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni (A Few Excerpts from the Book about Happiness)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Waktu Berbuka

Assalamualikum... Hehehe....Tajuk entry macam waktu berbuka puasa pulak...
Bukanlah... Entry kali ini nak bagitau waktu Kedai GNZ BOOK RENTALS buka..

Isnin-Jumaat : 2.45 petang - 7.00 malam
Sabtu : 10 pagi - 1 tengahhari
Ahad dan cuti umum : Tutup

Kalau kedai tutup (contoh macam kalau ada hal yang tidak dapat dielakkan) akan diberitahu kepada anda semua

Terima kasih

First Post

Assalamualikum...... Blog ini khas untuk mempromosikan kedai GNZ BOOK RENTALS yang terletak di NO.8 Jalan 3/7, Bangi Perdana, 43650, Selangor Darul Ehsan..
Anda boleh hubungi 019-6570858(Zuriadah bt Abas)
Segala perkara yang berkaitan dengan kedai ini akan diupdate pada masa-masa yang akan datang..
Terima kasih.


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